I float-surfed/played buoy the biggest session of my life at the South Shore (or any where ever) this past week. I wouldn't call it...

"Makapu'u Couplet"
Makapu'u, on the east side of O'ahu, looks just as beatiful on a cloudy, gray day. If I wasn't such a brick with legs, I'd drop in here...

Everything In-Between...
... narwhal wall included. My newest piece, Everything In-Between found a cozy home today- thus saying good-by once and for all to our...

My Biggest Smallest Critic
My biggest smallest critic is my cat, Bernard Banks. Here, he's contemplating my monochromatic wave choice. "Looks like a nightmare. I'd...

Finally got to surf Backdoor– just kidding. This was actually just at Diamond Head, circa 3 weeks ago. Besides being able to ride on a...

Waikiki Walls Dreaming
I can count with one hand– make that half a hand– the number of bodyboarders who seem "normal" to me, so when a friend commissioned me to...

Sweet Good Bye
If only good-bye's were always this sweet... Diamond Head has been at it's shining glory the last two days of the last summer swell. ...

Summer Farm Fashion
Complete your summer backyard farm look with a disapproving kitty scarf! They are half off at the Hawaiian Humane Society on Wednesdays,...

In My Cocoon
Suspended, cradled in my hammock, momentarily back in the safety of my mother’s womb, I let my glasses fall to the ground and look up at...