Paintings Gallery

Painted en plein air at the world-famous Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of O'ahu while I sipped on $1.89 can of semi-cold Asahi– though in my mind I was laying strokes in between dainty gulps of chilled champagne and noshing on caviar because clearly, I was living the life. I hope the person this eventually belongs to feels the energy the waves and the amazing humans that rode them emitted and the gratitude I felt for just being a happy observer.

I painted this immediately after a beautiful, grey, glassy/oilly, headhigh session at Silver's (or Silva's). It was the most lefts I ever surfed in one session on the North Shore because though I'm goofy in real-life, I'm a regular in surf-life. I always wondered why that spot was called Silver's until that day when I noticed that most of the regulars were older men with greying hair. Don't get me wrong, they were badass old men with silver hair or no hair at all. And when I grow up..

18" x 14" acrylic on canvas

11" x 4" x 1.5", Acrylic on monkeypod

9" x 12" acrylic on washi/wood panel

Four Play" (framed) acrylic on 18" x 24" papyrus

5" x 3" x 2" (-ish) acrylic on monkey pod

"3-Piece Nugget" acrylic on 16"x24" 3-panel canvas

5" x 7" acrylic on wood panel

37" x 16" acrylic on wood (Koa)

30" x 24", acrylic on canvas

14" x 18" acrylic on canvas

11" x 14" acrylic on canvas

2-panel acrylic on canvas (each panel is 30" x 40")

8" x 10" acrylic on washi and wood

8" x 10" acrylic on wood

8" x 10" acrylic on washi and wood

5" x 5" acrylic on washi and wood

5" x 5" acrylic on washi and wood panel

acrylic on mahogany 11" x 12" private collection

acrylic on approximately 8" x 8" four-panel wood

8" x 10" acrylic on repurposed Japanease roof tile

acrylic on wood panel 11 x 14 inches (sold)

acrylic on wood panel 8 x 10 inches (sold)

acrylic on wood 16 x 14 inches (sold)

acrylic on wood 16 x 12 (sold)

acrylic on wood panel 8 x 10 inches (sold)

framed acrylic on canvas 5 x 7 inches (sold)

acrylic on wood\ 18 x 24 inches commissioned piece

acrylic on wood 12 x 24 inches $200 (sold)

acrylic on wood 16 x 12 inches $175 (sold)

acrylic on wood 16 x 12 inches $175 (sold)